Moving… Again.
Sometimes I feel like I will never feel settled in life. I’ve moved around every since I was a child. I think it’s created fears that I am at a disadvantage because of this — never feeling the experience of feeling grounded or creating long-lasting relationships. But, in reality, even though I tend to uproot my entire physical life every so often, I have proved that I can still feel grounded, and I can still create life-long friendships. I have my core group of girlfriends from childhood and adolescence, college, and now mommy-hood. Even if I move away, I am still able to keep those strong ties.
So, what about the feelings of insecurity? Do those ever go away? Do I ignore the desire to move in order to feel “settled?” My intuition tells me no… to instead continue to chase the things I want. Life is about change and movement, and we all have our own tolerance and desire for those changes. For me, I feel the impulse, and I go with it. And, that brings me to our 3rd move in 3 years.
I moved to Humboldt County during the height of the pandemic days in 2020. The Bay Area had become a bit too crowded, especially when trying to avoid people, and work had become even more flexible. I took the opportunity to become fully remote (thank you to my wonderful job) and took the leap of faith to move far away from a lot of my friends and family to a place I had visited several times. It was beautiful, and it provided a much-needed escape from the impacted roads, parks, and other spaces in the Bay. I felt like I could breathe.
Since living here we’ve changed rentals several times for varying reasons. The latest issue I’m having is lack of sunshine. Humboldt County is already a challenge in that department and our rental only exacerbates the problem for me. My office gets very little sunshine, as it’s nestled in the redwoods which block out all the light. It’s so beautiful, but I need any extra piece of sunlight I can get. So, now we are on the hunt for a new place to live.
My goal is to stay positive. It can be challenging in today’s economic environment… prices have risen, everything feels expensive, inventory is sparse. It’s easy to get caught up in the low vibration energy of frustration and disappointment. But, I need to remember that this life is all about attraction, and it’s so important to stay in a positive frame of mind (with everything in your life). This is just another chapter of life, and I want to stay in my knowing that I’ve continuously been led down a wonderful path. Things truly do work out for me, and I am grateful for that. Gratitude is so very important. I have a new friend and mentor who continuously reminds me that daily self-praise and gratitude are non-negotiable. It’s imperative for building a beautiful life. So, putting out positive vibes that what is meant for us will be revealed and we will open up a new, beautiful chapter for our family.